*English follows:
顧みられない病気の新薬開発イニシアティブ(Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative 以下「DNDi」)*は、医薬品開発から取り残された病気に苦しむ患者さんに、安全で有効かつ手頃な価格の治療薬を提供するため研究開発を行う国際的な非営利組織です。
日時: 2021年6月30日(水) 17:00~18:00
会場: オンライン(Zoom) 日英同時通訳あり
・内藤 晴夫
エーザイ株式会社 代表執行役CEO
・北 潔
長崎大学大学院熱帯医学グローバルヘルス研究科研究科長 (東京大学名誉教授)
・中谷 比呂樹
GHIT Fund 会長・代表理事
・武見 敬三
DNDi 最高責任者
進行役:迫田朋子 ジャーナリスト・元NHK解説委員
*顧みられない病気の新薬開発イニシアティブ(Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative 以下「DNDi」)は、患者のニーズに基づき治療開発に取り組む、非営利の研究開発組織です。顧みられない病気の中でも特に、シャーガス病、リーシュマニア症、アフリカ睡眠病(ヒトアフリカトリパノソーマ症)、フィラリア感染症(河川盲目症)、マイセトーマ(菌腫)、および小児HIV、C型肝炎を対象に、脆弱な環境で暮らす多くの患者に、安全で有効で、入手可能な治療を届けることを目指しています。またDNDiが構築したネットワークを活かし、医療資源の乏しい国々で緊急に必要とされている、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の研究を加速させる取り組みも進めています。
*詳細は、dndi.org をご覧ください。
Join us on Wednesday, 30 June for a DNDi Japan virtual event
Deliver 18 new treatments by 2028 – the future of partnerships and role of Japan
The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) is an international non-profit organization that discovers, develops, and delivers safe, effective, and affordable treatments for the most neglected patients.
Since 2003, we have grown into a network of more than 200 partner institutions that spans the globe, united in our pursuit of science for the people, driven by collaboration, not competition, and by medical needs, not profits. Together, we have delivered 8 new treatments that have saved millions of lives.
Now is the time to look ahead. This year, DNDi launches a new Strategic Plan 2021-2028, charting a journey to deliver 15 – 18 treatments by 2028.
In a world that is constantly changing, what can we do for neglected patients from Japan in the near future? What is needed for R&D partnerships? How can we deliver on our commitments to people whose diseases have been historically overlooked by the traditional R&D model?
To mark the launch of our new strategy, we will be joined by a panel of passionate leaders and experts to explore what it will take to deliver medical solutions for neglected patients and build an R&D system that leaves no one behind.
We greatly welcome and appreciate your participation.
Date:30 June 2021, at 17:00-18:00 JST
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Language: Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation provided)
- Haruo Naito, KBE, Representative Corporate Officer and CEO, Eisai Co., Ltd.
- Kiyoshi Kita, Dean, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University and Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
- Hiroki Nakatani, Chair & Representative Director, GHIT Fund
- Keizo Takemi, Member of the House of Councillors, Japan and Former Senior Vice Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director, DNDi
Moderator: Ms. Tomoko Sakota, Journalist,
Former Senior Commentator, Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)
- For more information on the DNDi Strategic Plan 2021-2028, visit https://dndi.org/about/strategy/